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Data Lake

Transform a flood of data from multiple streams into a single, navigable data lake that delivers real business value.

Data Lake Services


Time was you could invest in a single operational database or CRM system and that would be a single source of truth for all your business information. In today’s data age, your single source of truth is now blind to many essential facts.

Real-time data from websites, social accounts, IoT devices,internal facility management and production systems are just some of the truths that can be added to your traditional business systems to create a broader, more nuanced and detailed picture of what is happening in your organisation.

How can you bring these diverse data sources together in a way that will enable you to unleash the value of the data?

A data lake is designed to hold structured and unstructured data; enabling you to pool data from these myriad sources in such a way that it can be catalogued, optimised and queried to deliver new and innovative insights for your business.

In this way, a data lake isn’t a replacement for your existing data warehouse but, rather, a new solution for capturing the data and enabling you to think freely and drive novel insights that have the potential to transform your business:

In these ways, you gain meaningful competitive edge.


With Amazon Web Services (AWS), a data lake isn’t a specific product or even set of products. AWS offers an architecture pattern and guidance to define what a data lake should be and do. Users can use pre existing AWS technologies to deliver data lake functionality.

As a result, there are numerous ways to approach a data lake project on AWS.While this gives users the freedom to configure a solution that closely matches their needs, it can be a real challenge for inexperienced team members who haven’t built a data lake on AWS before.With multiple ways to achieve it, building a data lake on AWS can seem deceptively simple. However, building a data lake that is functional, secure and easy to use isn’t so straight forward.Accessing expert assistance is, therefore, vital.

Having delivered data lake projects for blue chip clients, the DataPhoenix team has developed a highly successful framework and methodology for architecting and delivering data lake on AWS. Our approach combines our proven methodology with best-in-class tools that deliver essential functionality and orchestration capabilities. You can augment this with our other customised services, such as data or application cloud migration. This way, you gain a tailored solution that matches your needs precisely.

We begin with a detailed needs analysis, but will deliver an elastic deployment that can flex and scale in line with your future needs. You save money by getting it right the first time. Plus, you future proof your investment by putting flexibility and agility at the heart of your solution. DataPhoenix team is an agile fanatic and we use a Scrum and DevOps methodology to deliver your data lake project. This framework enables us to maximise knowledge transfer and help you strengthen your internal team of DevOps and Data Engineers. Our focus is on bringing all the people needed into a single team that is driven to deliver business value. This is the best way to rapidly deploy an effective solution that meets business goals and ensures rapid time to market.

Using tools such as Atlantis and Terraform enables us to build a robust solution that is easy for your internal team to manage. The data lake we create is built with the concepts of security, continuous integration and continuous deployment at its heart. We’ll ensure you have automated processes for self-service provision with simulation and approval steps built in – protecting the integrity of your deployment long after we hand over the management of your data lake to your team.What’s more, you have peace of mind that your data lake has been built using a proven framework that has been tried and tested in large-scale production environments.

We’re not about delivering the latest and greatest just for the sake of it. We’re focused on delivering tailored deployments of cost-effective technologies. This is how we deliver a simpler and faster data lake to drive real business value through de-risking, improved collaboration and insights in a sustainable and easy-to-manage way.

Why choose DataPhoenix

DataPhoenix is specialising in the data domain. Our team is curious enough to explore and leverage the latest in data practices, and strong enough to challenge market paradigms where beneficial. ​

We’re focused on providing value and return from investment to our clients. With our expertise, proven and tailored solution you’ll achieve faster time to market, generate savings and lower risks.

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We can help you unleash your data’s potential. Get in touch with the DataPhoenix team here.